Monday, February 22, 2010


17. SPACE CLEARING Mist (50ml) Larger Mist (100ml)

Angelsword, Boab, Fringed Violet, Lichen & Red Lily also contains essential oils of Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Citriadora and Lavender

*Can combine with a cream

*+ Slender Rice Flower in Boardrooms and negotiation rooms for win/win outcome


A general cleanser

Balance to relationships at work, neighbours and nature

Balance to tense situations and environments

Better school relationships

Clean and tingling feeling to skin

Cleaner after gardening

Cleared Air and negativity

Cleanser for dirt, dust, sweat and oil

Clearing and releases built up negative emotional, mental and psychic energies

Clearing tense situations and environments and restoring balance.

Clearing meeting rooms of negative energy

Clearing negative environments

Clearing air after an argument

Clearing motel or meeting rooms when traveling

Clearing negative mental, emotional & psychic energies

Clearing practitioners offices between clients

Creates sacred, safe and Harmonious environments

Energy clearing from toxic people

Enhancing sacred space

Feelings of stillness and reflectiveness

Keeping bees and wasp away (mist in circle above head

More positive energy when room liberally sprayed & each person’s chair

Purifies and releases environments of built up negative emotional, mental and psychic energies.


Sacred, safe and harmonious environment when rooms are misted and by Practitioners/therapists in between clients

Safe harmonious environment

Skin cleansing after gardening

Skin cleansing in toxic environment


Bad vibes one wants to get rid of

Disharmonious or unpleasant environments

Exposure to toxic environment

Negative mental, emotional & psychic energies

Pale and drawn

Proximity to toxic people

Louise Larabie copyrighted 2008, 2009, 2010

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