Monday, February 22, 2010



Bluebell, Boab, Bottlebrush, Bush Gardenia, Dagger Hakea, Flannel Flower, Mint Bush, Red Helmet Orchid, Red Suva Frangipani & Wedding Bush

*For intimate relationships, a perfect remedy to follow this combination is Sexuality Essence.

* Can add Sydney Rose or Slender Rice Flower if needed.


A more open the heart

A stronger willingness to try and work things out

About forgiveness and honest expression of feelings

Better communications

Better expression of feelings

Better positive energy with father and mother issues

Better treatment of others as well as yourself like there is no separation + Sydney Rose

Breaks negative family conditions


Comfort and acceptance of their body

Commitment to work things out

Coping skills

Enhanced communication

Enhanced parental-child bonding

Enhanced quality of all relationships, especially intimate ones

Enjoyment of physical contact

Expressing Feelings


Generosity and sharing

Greater communication with her partner, balancing role as mother & wife usually rekindles passion between them Bush Gardenia or Relationship Essence

Harmony in-group + Slender Rice Flower

Healthy boundaries within a relationship

Increased communication

More help in verbalizing and expressing feelings

More playful and having fun energy + Little Flannel Flower

More trust of others

One closer with others

Release of resentment and blocked emotions

Renewed passion and interest in the relationship

Some nurturing energy to you

Soothing and healing of relationship

Stronger commitment


To some a dramatic enhancement of romance and passion

Verbalization of emotions

Organ transplants clear waste and the residue from anti-rejection drugs

Turning off emotional pain in rocky relationship

Reinforcing commitment

Renews interest in partner


After a break up of relationship

Blocked emotions

Chaos and confusion which can occur in relationships especially if deciding whether to stay in the relationship or leave

Children are the highest priority, difficulty in balancing role as mother & wife Bush Gardenia or Relationship Essence

Confusion, emotional pain and turmoil of a rocky relationship

Emotional pain and turmoil of a rocky relationship or work relationships

Ending Relationships that are not destined to be

Feeling devastated

Giver, feels no right to ask for anything but disappointed & angry when they do not get it +Philotheca

Inability to relate

Letting go of the old – whether something from the past or even the relationship itself and starting afresh

Poor negative family conditioning beliefs and patterns which affect our current adult relationships

Projected family conditioned patters we carry over our partner


Resentments even long held ones, especially to those close to us


Ubiquitous sexual guilt + Sturt Desert Rose

Unresolved issues with their parents, and for carried over issue that are projected to their partners

Louise Larabie copyrighted 2008, 2009, 2010

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